
4907 - 99 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6E-4Y1
Phone (780) 438-5897 Fax (780) 432-8128
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Eudora Setup
This is the setup will guide you through the steps necessary
to set up Eudora 5.2.1 through your DataNet email account. Please
note that all text entered should be in lower case - including your email
address, password, and mail servers.
- Firstly, note that DataNet is NOT compliant with older versions of
Eudora. Anything below version 5.2.1 may or may not work
(Versions 2, 3.1, 4.0, 4.3 have been tested and do NOT work). DataNet recommends
that you download and install the latest version of Eudora before
continuing. Eudora is available at http://www.eudora.com/products/eudora/download/windows.html
Follow the instructions on that page to download and install
- Once you have finished installation start Eudora. If
you are prompted with a message Eudora is not currently the default
mail program click Yes.
- A New Account Wizzard will begin automatically. Click Cancel
to exit this wizard.
- Click Tools, and then click Options.
- Fill your real name in the Real name field.
- Fill out the your Return address as your DataNet email
address - what-you-filled-out-on-the-sign-up-sheet@datanet.ab.ca
- Fill out your Mail Server (Incoming) as
- Fill out the Login Name as your email address example
- Fill out the SMTP Server (Outgoing) as mail.datanet.ab.ca
- Click on the Incoming Mail category on the left hand side.
- At the top Server configuration select POP
If you have more then one email account you will need to install
multiple copies of Eudora to different directories. To set up these
other email accounts follow the same steps above using the different
accounts and passwords, each with it's own installation separate
installation of Eudora.